Thursday, December 1, 2011

Wintering in Florida Again

Here we are back in Panama City Beach for the winter. Most all of the friends we made here over the years are back and we have enjoyed being with all of them again and we are having a great time. We both have taken up golf as a hobby and so far (so far) we are really enjoying the game, although it is a very challenging one.
Our Canadian friends have gotten everyone involved in bocce ball and the bi-weekly games are attended by almost all the residents here.
Bettye and Elton, friends we met while in Pigeon Forge, may come for a visit soon and we are looking forward to seeing them again.

1 comment:

Mag and the Beast said...

Hi David & Derita. You crossed my mind today and I remembered your website. After the dust settles from the holiday, we have to visit. Lucy & Ricky and I will take a drive one day soon.